Juliana Lee & Partners Co. Ltd.

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줄리아나리앤파트너스 자세히보기

IR 피칭 & 투자

IR피칭 질의응답 AI기업 실리콘벨리 진출 전략

Juliana Lee 2021. 8. 3. 09:00


줄리아나리앤파트너스는 AI기업들의 미국 진출을 돕는 멘토링을 진행하고 있습니다.

피칭 만큼이나 (아니 더) 어려운 것이 바로 투자사, 파트너들과의 질의응답 시간일 것 같은데요.

답을 주실 땐 장황하지 않게 두괄식으로 질문에 답을 먼저 주시고,

부연설명 (예, 이유, 근거자료) 후 정리하면서 마무리 해 주세요.

한국식으론 부연설명 먼저하고 둘러가면서 답을 나중에 주는데 미국인들은 인내심을 갖고 끝까지 들어 주지 않습니다.

아마 본인 질문을 이해하지 못했다 바로 생각할 수 있어요. 항상 중요한 정보 먼저, 주시는 두괄식 구조로 답해 주세요.  

*** 답 -> 부연설명 -> 마무리 구조 ***


다음은 많이 나오는 질문 유형입니다. 답안을 만들어 보고 익숙해 질 수 있도록 연습해 보세요. 

  1. Why you, not others? Why should we pick you over other competitors?
  2. What is your business model exactly?
  3. Does your business model change in different markets/countries?
  4. Can you segment your market? Is your market big enough? What is the actual addressable market (what’s the percentage of the market you plan to capture over time?)
  5. Why Silicon Valley? Why you need to be here?
  6. Are you A or B? ( 예: Are you a mold company or a secondary battery R&D center? Are you a traditional consulting firm or an AI-based tech firm?)
  7. What is your proprietary (special tech, patent, expertise), and how are you going to defend it?
  8. How would you defend your tech/value/proprietary in the competitive international market?
  9. Don’t you think your idea can be easily stolen or copied by late commers or competitors?
  10. Don’t you think you have some regulatory issues in the USA? How would you solve regulation issues?
  11. What has been accomplished since the last time you visited us? What has been accomplished since the ideation phase?
  12. Tell me about the strength(s) of your team. What relevant experience/expertise do you have?
  13. What is your (market) valuation?
  14. What can I do for you? What do you want to achieve in Silicon Valley?
  15. You already have a branch/network/partner in the USA. How has it been so far?


매번 질문에 답을 바로 주려면, 직설적으로 들리거나, 가끔 답을 머리속에 정리해야 할 때 시간을 벌 필요가 있습니다.

이때 매번 ‘that’s a good question’이라고 하면 진부하게 들릴 수 있으니, 맞장구 치는 적절한 표현을 돌아가며 사용해 보시고.

이 표현을 하면서 맘을 가다듬고, 좋은 답변을 생각해 보실 수 있죠.

  • That’s a good question.
  • I knew you would ask me that question. Thanks.
  • That’s a valid question. (타당한 질문이죠)
  • Yes, lots of VCs and clients ask that question.
  • Great.
  • Let me show you this slide to answer your question.
  • Let me go back to this slide to explain.


가끔은 답이 없거나, 대외비, 다른 분 (상사)에게 답변을 요구할 때

  • We are still looking into it.
  • That technical part contains confidential data. I’m afraid I won’t be able to disclose that info.
  • I hope to answer that question over lunch next time. It requires a longer time commitment.
  • For that, my CEO will be able to answer better than me. Mr. Han?
  • I don’t have that info with me in hands. Can I email you later?
  • Please feel free to contact me for any questions you have.


질문을 다시 해달라고 할 때

  • Would you please repeat your question once more?
  • Would you rephrase your question?
  • Could you speak a little slower? Thank you. 

질의응답도 잘 준비하시면 떨지 않고, 자신감있게 진행할 수 있어요. 

IR피칭 발표 대행, 통역 대행, IR전략 멘토링 등을 원하시면 JL&P 줄리아나리앤파트너스에 상담 주세요. 

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