Juliana Lee & Partners Co. Ltd.

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WICCI 왭비나에 초대합니다

Juliana Lee 2021. 6. 23. 15:37


7월 1일 오후 7시 (한국시간)부터 1시간동안 Women Tech Entrepreneurs Leading the Fight Against the Pandemic 이란 주제로 왜비나를 진행합니다. 


제가 운영위원으로 있는 WICCI (Women's Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry)에서 올해 첫번째로 기획한 왜비나로, MediHeroes 의 Joanne Lee 대표님, Dot Inc 의 최아름 님께서 세션의 연사로 참여해 주십니다. 


왜비나는 영어로 진행됩니다.

많은 참여 부탁드려요! 

링크입장: shorturl.at/bnJPW


WICCI South Korea India Business Council is delighted to present an insightful and inspiring panel discussion on the topic 'Women tech entrepreneurs leading the fight against the pandemic'.
The discussion would be led by speakers who have created a social impact, even in the toughest times of Covid, 

in their respective sectors: healthcare and education.
Inviting you to join the discussion:
Date: July 1st, 2021
Time: 7pm to 8pm KST I 3.30pm to 4.30pm IST I 10am to 11am UTC
Location: shorturl.at/bnJPW
The session will give you an opportunity to get insights into:
- The nature of the challenges and the experiences businesses faced during the pandemic
- Business pivots, entrepreneurs made to survive and succeed.
- Journey as an entrepreneur: Managing personal and professional challenges.
- Preferred ingredients for a toolkit for resilience.
There will be an opportunity for a Q&A with our panel of entrepreneurs.
Kudos to our Council members for conceptualising and
putting together a power-packed event: Asha Kothari Juliana Lee Mahima Jinah Kim Anne Choe
Join us on July 1st, 2021!
WICCI - Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry