Juliana Lee & Partners Co. Ltd.

Accelerate from Local to Global

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영문 이력서 & 영어 인터뷰

영어인터뷰 준비: 영어 자기소개 스피치

Juliana Lee 2011. 11. 30. 22:25




어느 회사를 가던 면접에서 꼭 한번 해 보게 될 영어 자기소개!

다른 인터뷰 질문을 준비하기 전 먼저 잘 짜여진 자기 소개문을 만들어 보는 것 부터 시작해 보세요.

잘 만든 자기소개문 하나로 다양한 추가 질문에도 표현을 응용해서 답할 수 있기 때문이지요.


*************************자기소개 스피치 ******************************************

나를 알리는 질문

Tell me about yourself.

õ  What can you tell us about yourself?

õ  Would you tell me something about yourself?

õ  How would you describe yourself?


간단한 인사로 긴장을 푼다.

õ  First of all, pleased to meet you.

õ  First of all, thank you for inviting me for an interview.

õ  I’m pleased to have this interview opportunity.

õ  Thank you for having me today for an interview.

õ  Im applying for a position in the Marketing Department.

õ  Hello. / Good morning/afternoon/evening.

õ  It’s nice to meet you.

õ  How do you do?

õ  How are you doing?


이름 및 간단한 자기소개를 한다. 

l  My name is Jeasung Lee. You can call me Jason.

l  I’m from Busan, South Korea.

l  I’m from a small town called Daesung-ri in Kimhae.

l  I’m a candidate/applicant for the internship position at ___________.


전공이나 학위, 출신 대학 등

õ  I will be graduating next year (in 2012) with a BA/BS degree from Daehan University.

õ  Im expecting a Masters degree in biochemistry this year.

õ  I major in sociology with a minor in mathematics.

õ  I double-major in sociology and politics.

õ  I’m a senior majoring in journalism at ABC University.

õ  I’m a history major with a minor in English.

õ  I’m expecting to graduate next year (in 2012) from _____ University.


아르바이트, 인턴십등 과거 경험

õ  During my college days, I participated in an internship program at this company.

õ  I have backpack-traveled alone to Europe for about three months.

õ  I was a member of a dance club in university.

õ  I was in charge of general administration.

õ  I have a number of part-time job experiences.


나만의 기술과 자질

õ  I have taken several computer courses.

õ  Im confident in speaking Japanese.

õ  I acquired interpersonal skills through my part-time position

õ  I possess negotiation skills essential for this position.


나의 성격 및 성향

l  I’m prudent.

l  I’m decisive.

l  I have passion.

l  I like to be around people.

l  I like to challenge myself with new ideas.

l  I like to help those in need.




신중한 prudent

실용적인 pragmatic

결단력이 있는 decisive

호기심이 많은 curios

겸손한 humble

근면한 diligent

감정적인 emotional

강인한 strong-willed

거침없는, 솔직한 outspoken

결심이 궂은 determined

따뜻한 warm


좌우명과 관심사항

õ  Dont complain, dont explain.This represents who I truly am.

õ  I prioritize integrity in my life.

õ  My philosophy in life is to think of today as my last day of life.

õ  I think of time management as the most important factor at work.


지원동기 및 마무리 

l  The reason I applied for this position is because I wanted to broaden my view.

l  I applied for this position because I wanted to have overseas experience.

l  I would like to expand my horizons with this experience.

l  I would like to contribute to the growth and prosperity of a company I belong to.

l  Thank you for considering me.

l  I would love to hear good news from you. Thank you.



 샘플 자기소개 스피치

** 위 표현을 참고해서 본인만의 자기소개를 만들어 보세요.



Good afternoon! First of all, pleased to meet you. I'm very pleased to have this interview opportunity. My name is Jaesung Lee. You can call me Jason. I'm from Busan, South Korea. I am a candidate for the internship position at __________. Now I in my (first/second/third/final) year attending ________ University. I major in sociology with a minor in mathematics. I will be graduating next year with a BA degree. During my college days, I participated in many leadership seminars on campus. I also traveled many parts of Korea during summer vacation to do community volunteer work. I acquired interpersonal skills and people skills through my experience. Generally, people say that I'm very prudent and diligent, which qualities I believe will benefit your organization. I like to challenge myself with new ideas and help those in need. "If there is a will, there is a way." This represents who I truly am. The reason I applied for this position is because I wanted to broaden my view. I would like to expand my horizons with this experience. Thank you for considering me.



Good luck job hunting, everyone!