Juliana Lee & Partners Co. Ltd.

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프레젠테이션 & 스피치

영어 프레젠테이션 핵심 표현

Juliana Lee 2011. 11. 29. 22:43





영어 프레젠테이션 기법 중 하나는 발표자의 역할이 네비게이션 (navigation) 즉 목적지 (발표의 주제이해)까지 청중이 잘 도착하도록 지속적으로 방향을 제시해 주는 안내자 라는 것을 인식하는 것입니다.

표현과 표현 사이, 아이디어와 아이디어 사이, 문장과 문장 사이 맥이 끊어지기 쉬워 딱딱해지지 않도록 signaling expressions으로 혹은 filler (추임새 표현)으로 자연스럽게 '다리'역할을 해 주어야 합니다. 그때 필요한 표현들을 엮어 놓은 것이 바로 제가 2008년 출간한 <영어 프레젠테이션 무작정 따라하기>입니다.


책을 구매하기 보다는 핵심 표현 만 알려주기를 바라는 분들을 위해 핵심 표현을 넣어 드립니다.

하지만 더 많은 표현집을 통해 다양한 표현에 익숙해지시려면 위 도서를 추천해 드립니다. ^^


영어 프레젠테이션 무작정 따라하기


간단한 핵심 표현은 아래를 참고하세요~





1. 보통 쓸 수 있는 무난한 인사법

       - Good morning[afternoon/evening]. / Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

2. 안녕하십니까?

How are you all?

       - How is everyone doing here today?

       - Its glad to be here with you today.

 3. ~해서 영광입니다.

Its my pleasure[honor] to ~

õ  Its my pleasure to be here today. 

õ  Its my pleasure to be able to speak here in front of you all.


4. 발표 기회를 주셔서 감사합니다.

õ  Thank you for this opportunity.

õ  Thank you for giving me this opportunity to present this issue.


5. ~에 참석해 주셔서 감사합니다.

õ  Thank you for participating[taking part] in ~

õ  - Thank you for attending my presentation.





이름과 소속 밝히기

       For those of you who dont know me, let me introduce myself. Im Susan Kim.

       As some of you already know, Im Susan Kim of Marketing Department.

       Let me start by saying just a few words about myself.


발표의 주제 말하기

õ  오늘 프레젠테이션의 주제는 ~입니다.

The subject[topic/title] of todays presentation is ~

- The topic of todays presentation is how to improve our efficiency.


õ  ~에 관해서 말씀드리고 싶습니다.

Id like to talk about ~

- Id like to explain the latest technology in semiconductor industry.


발표 내용을 요약하기

õ  발표 내용을 핵심 단어나 제목으로 요약할 때

õ  제 프레젠테이션에서 다룰 세 가지 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다. 첫째 ~ , 둘째 ~ , 그리고 마지막으로 ~ 입니다.

           There are three main things dealt in my presentation: first, ~ , second, ~ , and lastly, ~ .

- There are three main things dealt in my presentation: first, the background, second, the current situation, and lastly, the future implication.



õ  ~에 대해 잠시 생각해 보죠.

Lets think for a moment about ~

- Lets think for a moment about how to manage teams more efficiently.


õ  ~에 관해 한번 생각해 보세요.

Give some thought to ~

- Give some thought to the rapidly changing market.


Rhetorical Questions

õ  여러분은 어떻게 ~하시겠습니까?

How would you like to ~ ?

- How would you like to satisfy our new customers?


õ  여러분 가운데 몇 분이나 ~라는 것에 동의하십니까?

How many of you here agree with me that ~ ?

- How many people here realize that FTA is beneficial to the long-term economic growth of Korea?


Socratic Method

       ~한지 생각해 보신 적 있으십니까?

Have you ever wondered why ~ ?

- Have you ever wondered why there are fewer women in the executive level?


       ~라는 사실을 알고 계셨습니까?

Did you know that ~ ?

- Did you know that 75% of the Earth is covered with water?


Do you know why ~ ?

- Do you know why the education expenses are on the steady rise in Korea?

       여러분은 ~를 어떻게 하시겠습니까?

How would you go about ~ ?

- How would you go about training your employees?


Sequencing ideas

õ  제가 소개 해드리고 싶은 첫번째 포인트는 …입니다.

The first point Id like to bring up is

- The most important point Id like to emphasize is that unequal access to capital is the major impediment to economic success for all.


õ  이 내용은 제가 말씀드릴 ~에 관한 다음 포인트로 연결됩니다.

This brings me to my next point, which is


õ  ~뿐만 아니라/ 또한

In addition to this/ Moreover/ Whats more/ Furthermore,


õ  ~에 관해서는 ~는 어떤가 하면

As for (새로운 주제소개), +

- As for our mission statement, we design, develop, and market advanced systems for wireless data transfer.


õ  잠시 본론에서 벗어나 ~를 검토해 보고자 합니다.

Id like to digress for a moment and look instead at ~.

- Id like to digress for a moment and look instead at the problems in our social security system.


õ  ~로 되돌아가면 …라고 봅니다.

Going back to the question/problem of (앞에 소개된 주제), I would say ~.


Bring up key point(s)



õ  제가 강조하고 싶은 포인트는 ~입니다.

The point that Id like to emphasize is (that) ~

- The point that Id like to emphasize is that the profit has risen after we implemented Six sigma. 


õ  여기서 우리가 이해해야 할 중요한 포인트는 ~입니다.

The important point here that we need to understand is ~

- The important point here that Id like to emphasize is that we need restructuring.


õ  특정 사항에 관해 언급할 때

With regard to / With respect to / Regarding / Concerning / In connection with / In relation to

- With regard to local economic conditions, our position in the global market has never been better.

õ  ~에 관한 한

As far as ~ is concerned

- As far as customer satisfaction is concerned, we are second to none.



õ  다시 말하면

In other words

- In other words, the city estimates sales tax revenues will be down by 7 percent this year.

To put it another way

- To put it another way, some analysts even anticipate that Samsung would replace Intel as No. 1 technology firm.



õ  ~를 보면 …인 것을 알 수 있습니다.

If you take a look at ~ , you will see that

- If you take a look at these figures, you will see that there are more plants with high productivity in developed nations.


õ  ~에서 알 수 있듯이

As you can see from this ~

- As you can see from this pie chart, only 24% of married women in forties are satisfied with their lives.


Argue 주장하기

õ  ~해야 합니다

should / must / ought to

- We should pursue this plan to increase output.


õ  대부분의 사람들은 ~라고 주장합니다.

Most people may argue that ~

- Most farmers may argue that FTA is lethal to the agricultural industry.

õ  일반적으로 ~라고 합니다.

Generally[Generally speaking / In general], it is said that ~

-      Generally, it is said that our brand royalty is high among the middle class consumers.


õ  저는 ~을 주장합니다.

I maintain[contend, insist] that ~

- I contend that this is only meant to be a temporary solution to reducing cost.


Evidence 근거제시



õ   ~를 근거로

Based on ~ / As described in ~

- Based on extensive research, I would argue that we should expand our overseas businesses.

õ  ~에 따르면

According to ~

- According to the article of Wall Street Journal, China is the best country to invest in the world.

õ  예를 들면

For example / For instance / Such as

- For example, in the case of a 16% interest rate, 72 divided by 16 equals 4.5, so it takes four and a half years for money to double.


õ  쟁점은 ~입니다.

The issue here[The problem at hand] is (that) ~

- The problem at hand is that we are not a market leader.


õ  게다가[특히]

Above all / In particular / Whats more / on top of that / Moreover

- Above all, we cannot pay off all of our bank loans.



õ  강력하게 / 기가 막히게 / 전적으로 / 진심으로

           strongly / extremely / fully[totally / absolutely] / sincerely[seriously]

- I strongly argue that customers come first.


õ  특히

Especially / Particularly / In particular

- Our members will be particularly interested to hear in great detail the workings of the London Stock.

       제가 강조하고 싶은 점은 ~입니다.

What I want to stress is that ~

       보다 중요하게도

More importantly[significantly]


반복을 통해 강조하기

       This is a very, very crucial problem.

       We have spent many, many hours considering this.

       We have waited for the right moment, and that moment is now.

       We need a solution, and we need it now.


대동사로 강조하기

       We did take all necessary steps to reach this conclusion.

       I did excel in my previous work.

       This does seem to be the best solution to this problem.

       I did consider this very carefully.





õ  ~은 다음과 같습니다.

~ are as follows.

- My recommendations are as follows.


õ  ~을 다시 요약해 봅시다.

Let me sum up ~

- Let me sum up the main points again.


õ  간단히 말씀 드리자면

In short, / In brief, / To put it briefly

- In short, more and more staff members are complaining about the new employment policy.


õ  이 프레젠테이션을 마치면서 드리고 싶은 말씀은 ~입니다.

As I conclude this presentation, I would like to say that ~

- As I conclude this presentation, I would like to say that human cloning raises numerous ethical issues.


õ  ~한 이야기[격언으]로 마칠까 합니다.

Let me close now with a story[quote] that ~ / Let me wrap up with this story ~

- Let me close now with a quote that pretty much summarizes what I have been talking about.