Lesson 18: Asking a Favor
l Could/Would you do me a favor? (request)
= Could you do a favor for me?
= Could I ask a favor of you?
l Could you help me? = Could you give me a hand? (immediate help, such as carrying things, etc)
l I was hoping you were home. (use past tense here)
l plumber = a technician who can fix water pipes, kitchen sinks, etc.
l Can you ~? / Could you please ~? (formal)/ Would you be able to (v)~? (formal and sincere)
Do you always say ‘yes’ to someone’s favor? You don’t have to. Then how do you say ‘no’? It is good to be nice to others and accept their favors or requests. But time to time, you have to learn how to say ‘no’ without feeling sorry. What can you do?
NO |
- Sure. - Sure thing. - Of course I will/can. - No worries. Leave it to me. (You don’t have to worry. I will do that for you.) - I’m pleased to help you. |
DO NOT say just NO. Instead, - I’m sorry but I can’t/ won’t be able to (because ~). - I’m afraid I can’t/won’t be able to (because ~). - Sorry but I~. - Too bad but I don’t think I can. - I wish I could help you but (s)+(v). |
Create Dialogues: Would you accept the following favors?
Situation 1: You will be absent for a meeting. Ask your co-worker to attend the meeting instead of you and take notes for you.
Situation 2: You are on the bus, but realize you left your wallet at home. Ask a stranger to borrow bus fares. (start with “Excuse me, could you do me a favor?”)
Situation 3: You are asking your foreign co-worker/friend/boss to speak slowly. He/she speaks too fast with a very heavy British accent.
Situation 4: Your own choice.
Let’s Practice (p. 41)
Questions (p. 41)