What is 'synergy' in cultural aspects?
In my view, 'synergy' is another term for 'collectivism' or 'homogeneity' to maximize collective efforts to realize efficiency and productivity. Companies with strong common values and collective goals beyond individualism tend to succeed in global markets as well with a low employment turnover rate and high productivity. Here, we can assume that culture in business is like a real double-edged sword. on one hand, respecting culture seems respecting individual orientations encouraging individuality and differences; on the other hand, too much emphasis on culture mitigate the collective identity of a business entity and disrupts synergy. It is like allowing too much freedom: in other words, ambiguous emphasis on culture would confuse employees' identity even further, create gaps further, and loosen their corporate morale. I think firms should be run and managed beyond cultural identity, and what sustains and brings power to it is not always respect for individualism and cultural diversity which can easily turn out to be a wishy-washy concept in a business context. Corporate synergy functions as glue that binds interests, capabilities and uniqueness of individual employees and managers to bring forth the collective goals of a company. Over the course of this intensive synergy-creating collective experience of corporate uniformity, culture no longer affects the firm's management style, but synergies of individuals and related bodies of businesses become the core value of what sustains and strengthens the collective being of the firm.